
Friday, January 21, 2011

2010 Topps Magic Football 2 Box Break with AWESOME Hit~!

My girlfriend and I both decided to buy a box of the new Topps Magic Football set after seeing how awesome the cards look.  The 3-4 hits per box was obviously another selling point, and as we sat down to crack open the packs she joked that we should have some sort of wager on who gets the best pull.

I won.

Chrome Refractor # 09/10

How awesome is that???  I may be a diehard Packer fan (and as such not a big fan of the Cowboys), but I still respect greatness, and there haven't been many better than "Captain Comeback."  He was a Heisman Trophy Winner, a 6-time Pro Bowler, took the Cowboys to the Super Bowl 5 times (with 2 wins and one MVP award), and was also a Vietnam Vet.  Now THAT'S a great pull!

But the fun definitely didn't end there.  My other hits were also pretty damn good:

Pigskin Parallel Mini #'d to 50

Jo's box was no slouch either, as she pulled TWO of the Stamp cards in addition to her 3 autos:

Historical Stamp of Approval #'d to 25

Gridiron Stamp of Approval #'d to 10

As far as collecting the set goes, my box did well on that front as well:

-145 out of 200 (72.5%) regular base cards
-8 out of 48 Short-Printed base cards (1:3 packs)
-6 Magical Moments (1:4)
-4 Rookie Stars (1:6)
-2 History's Best (1:12)
-19 regular white-bordered Minis (including 2 Short Prints)
-4 black-bordered Minis (including 1 Short Print)
-NO doubles (good job Topps!)

If there was one negative out of the evening, it is that the second box came up short in terms of finishing the base set.  After the first box I was missing 55 of the non-Short Printed base cards, and the second box produced just 13 of those I was missing, which was disappointing.  However, on the plus side the second box did produce the expected 8 base set Short Prints, 19 white-border minis (2 SPs), 4 black-border minis (1 SP), 6 Magical Moments, 4 Rookie Stars, and 2 History's Best, and the only doubles out of all of those were 2 of the Magical Moments cards.

Overall, this is possibly the most fun I've ever had opening a box of cards.  Obviously getting such nice hits has a lot to do with it, but also this set is just really cool!

HOT TIP!! - I don't know if this is normal or not, but in BOTH of our boxes the 3 autos were contained in the first 3 packs across the top of the box.  Keep that in mind if you happen to be at your LCS when they open a new box!!


  1. This has to be the best 2010 football product. The card design is amazing! Congratulations on pulling the Staubach autograph. I'm a Packers fan too and can't stand the Cowboys... but there's not doubt in my mind that that card would go straight into my PC.

  2. Just found your blog and am now following. If, in your pursuit of the '10 UD set, you happen to come across a double of the Wrigley Field stadium card. I've been looking for that card for a while now.

  3. I just found your blog as well. Great box breaks! I'm hunting down 2010 Topps Magic as well. I love the artwork. Hard-signed autos would have put this product over the top!

    I'll let you know if I get any of the cards you need for that set. I would love to trade with you some time.

    My site is

    Nice to meet you!

  4. Those were great pulls. I am looking to buy or trade that Dexter McCluster stamp card. If you are willing to part with it, let me know. My email is Thanks!!
