
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Some Fun From 1981

My girlfriend decided to surprise me with a few packs of 1981 Donruss and Fleer that she saw at the card shop, and they were definitely good for a few laughs.  Some of my favorites:

Dennis "Not So" Littlejohn:

I hear he was "stronger than dirt":

This next one is my favorite.  Why does it look like half his mustache is missing?  And what in the hell is up with the thin strip of neck-beard?????

Some olllld-school Ozzie.  Not sure which is better, the afro or the ugly-ass Padres uniform:
"Bake" or "Baked"?

"Stone" or "Stoned"?:

What an unfortunate name for a pitcher:

What an unfortunate name for an athlete:

And finally, how often do you see pictures of guys taking freakin' batting practice in the cage on a card??  On the other hand, nice leg kick!

It makes sense because in the book I recently read the author talked about how these Donruss and Fleer sets got thrown together at the last minute before the 1981 season when the Topps monopoly was struck down, and it showed in quality control.

Previous Trivia Question:
What Hall of Famer's real first and middle name was "Denton True"?

A: That name belonged to Denton True "Cy" Young.

Today's Trivia Question:

Who threw baseball's only (known) LSD-assisted no-hitter?

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